About Us

The State Revenue Office is an independent service agency administering Victoria’s taxation legislation to collect vital revenue to fund schools, hospitals, police, roads, public transport and other government services.

In addition, we administer the First Home Owner Grant, a number of concessions and benefits, the Back to Work Scheme, unclaimed money, and we support the Water and Sewerage Rebate Scheme.

Our Annual Review 2017-18 summarises our activities, strategies and business performance, providing a wide range of statistics, commentary, and our financial statements.

A semi-autonomous agency, we operate under a framework agreement between the Victorian Treasurer, the Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance and the Commissioner of State Revenue.

Full financial reports and other annual reporting requirements appear in the Department of Treasury and Finance Annual Report 2017-18, with this annual review providing complementary information.

If you divide our activities and results by 365 days, an average day at the State Revenue Office looks like this:

A typical day at the State Revenue Office
$50,684,930 of revenue collected per day
24 investigations conducted per day
$1,271,795 revenue found per day during investigations
$48,422 of unclaimed money reunited with owners per day
1052 land tax assessments issued per day
1031 phone calls answered per day
135,144 webpage views per day
697 duty documents processed online per day
3 private rulings issued per day
5 objections or exemptions determined per day
38 grants paid to first home buyers per year