Our People

Our staff make a vital contribution to the State Revenue Office’s success and as such we aim to sustain a united organisation of capable, adaptable, healthy and engaged people.

We work hard to provide a safe, respectful, productive and enjoyable workplace.

In 2017-18, we employed 525 full-time equivalent staff, increasing to 544 once project staff are included.



On average, people stay with us for 12 years, with more than 50 per cent of our workforce staying 10 or more years, compared to 37 per cent in the Victorian Public Service (based on the latest 2016-17 figures from the Victorian Public Sector Commission).

Developing and nurturing staff through health and engagement initiatives assists in low turnover rates; 4.1 per cent compared with 8.7 per cent in the Victorian Public Service.

In 2017-18, we provided 330 internal job opportunities to existing staff via promotions, transfers and higher duties.

Of the 64 staff who started working with us in 2017-18, the majority, 40, came from the private sector.


Retaining the best

Aiming to recruit and retain the most capable and talented people, we are committed to providing an environment where they can thrive. Our strategic planning process, with its links to individual performance, development and progression plans, ensures staff are aligned with our strategic objectives.

We foster a culture of continual improvement, high standards, responsiveness, and learning, with our leadership and professional development programs supporting staff to enhance skills and provide optimal service to the public. 

Staff satisfaction

Overall, a key indicator of our progress as a leading employer is staff feedback, including via the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s biennial People Matter Survey:

  • 76 per cent of staff participated in the 2018 survey, indicative of a highly engaged workforce, compared to 47 per cent across the public service.
  • Topped our comparator group in the 2018 Victorian Public Sector Commission People Matter Survey for feedback, impartiality, merit, communication about the Code of Conduct, role clarity and overall job satisfaction.
  • Staff said:
    • Earning and sustaining a high level of public trust is seen as important within the State Revenue Office – 90 per cent.
    • They are encouraged to act in ways consistent with human rights – 88 per cent.
    • Their work group strives to achieve customer satisfaction – 87 per cent.

As with all we do, we evaluate the results of each survey, working with our staff to identify new initiatives or process improvements to address their feedback.

Health and safety

Our outstanding health and safety record, with no lost time injuries in 2017-18, is testament to our focus on the wellbeing of our staff as we support work-life balance and a range of health and wellbeing initiatives.

The increase in the cost of our WorkCover premium in 2016-17 was the result of two claims from previous years that are now closed. In 2017-18, we had no accepted claims and therefore expect a reduction in the cost of WorkCover premiums in 2018-19.

Total workforce of 544 staff
52 per cent women and 48 per cent men
Average age of 43 years
Average length of service, 12 years
4.1 days of training delivered for each full-time staff member
96.5 per cent of training that staff specified in their performance plans was delivered
Staff survey results 2018
90 per cent of staff said it was important to earn and sustain a high level of public trust
87 per cent of staff said their work group strives to achieve customer satisfaction